The U.S Department of Defense's Tactical Combat Casualty Care course introduces evidence-based, life-saving techniques and strategies for providing the best trauma care on the battlefield. We conduct courses under the auspices of its PHTLS program, the recognized world leader in prehospital trauma education. TCCC courses use the PHTLS Military textbook and are fully compliant with the Department of Defense's Committee on Tactical Combat Casualty Care (CoTCCC) guidelines.
The TCCC-MP (TCCC for Medical Personnel - 2 days) course is designated for combat EMS/Military personnel including medics, corpsmen, and pararescue personnel deploying in support of combat operations.
The TCCC-AC (TCCC for All Combatants - 1 day) course is designated for non-medical military personnel and includes first responder skills appropriate for soldiers, sailors, and airmen.
Intro to TCCC
Care Under Fire
Tactical Field Care #1 (TFC)
Tactical Field Care #2
Tactical Field Care #3
Tactical Evaluation Care
TCCC Scenarios
Direct from the Battlefield
Celox Gauze Module
Celox Gauze Live Tissue Training video w/disclaimer
Celox Gauze Moulage training video w/disclaimer
Celox Gauze Training
Hemostatic Dressing Skill Sheet
ChitoGauze Module
ChitoGauze Instructions
ChitoGauze training
ChitoGauze training video w/disclaimer
Hemostatic Dressing Skill Sheet
CRoC Module
CRoC Application
CRoC training video w/disclaimer
Combat Application Tourniquet Skill Sheet
Nasopharyngeal Airway Skill Sheet
Cric-Key Skill Sheet
Needle Decompression Skill Sheet
CRoC Skill Sheet
EZ-IO Module
Sternal EZ-IO
JETT Module
JETT training video w/disclaimer
JETT Skill Sheet VSJT Module
SJT Application
VVSAM Junctional Tourniquet training video w/disclaimer
VSJT Skill Sheet
SOFTT Module
SOFTT Application
SOFTT training video w/disclaimer
SOFTT Skill Sheet
Ruggedized Field IV Skill Sheet
Intraosseous Infusion (FAST 1) Skill Sheet
IV TXA Skill Sheet
IV Ketamine Skill Sheet